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Canada Water Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-11)

In recognition that there are increasing demands on Canadian waters and that pollution continues to be a concern, the Canada Water Act was proclaimed in 1970 and revised in 1985. Although water is largely the responsibility of provincial governments, the Canada Water Act allows the Minister to work with provinces on areas of national concern.

The Canada Water Act is an act to provide for the management of the water resources of Canada, including research and the planning and implementation of programs relating to the conservation, development and utilization of water resources (DOJC, 2007a). The Act focuses on pollution and the water quality of federal waters and water bodies of national importance. Under this Act measures can be taken by the Minister to protect federal waters and to protect provincial waters if the provincial initiatives have failed.




The Water Act (1985) is designed to support wise management of water resources.
Source: Jeff Winsor
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