RAMP Downloadable Map Data
All spatial data displayed on the monitoring locations map are available for download on this page.
Data are made available in both ESRI Shapefile (SHP) or the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) formats.
Land Change Area (2005) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2005) dataset delineates development activities as of 2005 which were estimated with satellite imagery [30m Landsat-5 (May 2005) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: Nov 1, 2011
Scale: 1:60,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2006) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2006) dataset delineates development activities as of 2006 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (June 2006) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: Nov 1, 2011
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2007) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2007) dataset delineates development activities as of 2007 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (July 2007) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: Nov 1, 2011
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2008) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2008) dataset delineates development activities as of 2008 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (July and August 2008) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: Nov 1, 2011
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2009) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2009) dataset delineates development activities as of 2009 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (June, July, and August 2009) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: Nov 1, 2011
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2010) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2010) dataset delineates development activities as of 2010 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (June, July, and August 2010) and 30m Landsat-5 (October 2010) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: Nov 1, 2011
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2011) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2011) dataset delineates development activities as of 2011 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (June, July, and August 2011) and 30m Landsat-5 (May 2011) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: May 31, 2012
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2012) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2012) dataset delineates development activities as of 2012 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (June, July, August, and September 2012) and 30m Landsat-7 (June and September 2012) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: May 31, 2013
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2013) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2013) dataset delineates development activities as of 2013 which were estimated with satellite imagery [10m SPOT-5 (August and September 2013) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: May 31, 2014
Scale: 1:25,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2014) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2014) dataset delineates development activities as of 2014 which were estimated with satellite imagery [5m RapidEye (July and August 2014) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan
Data last updated: Jun 30, 2015
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Land Change Area (2015) [Polygon]
The Land Change Area (2015) dataset delineates development activities as of 2015 which were estimated with satellite imagery [5m RapidEye (June, July, and August 2015) multispectral imagery].
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Acid Sensitive Lake Monitoring Locations (1999 to 2015) [Point]
The Acid Sensitive Lakes component monitors water chemistry in numerous regional lakes that have been identified as susceptible to acidification.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2015) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1999 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Benthic Invertebrate Communities Monitoring Locations (1997 to 2015) [Point]
The Benthic Invertebrate Communities component monitors benthic invertebrates in waterbodies throughout the study area, as these communities of bottom-dwellers serve as biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem health.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2015) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1997 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Fence Monitoring Location (1998 to 2009) [Point]
The Fish Fence component assesses populations of spawning fish as they move up or down a river. Spring fish fence monitoring has been conducted on the Muskeg River to evaluate possible changes in the use of this watershed by spawning fishes that migrate from the Athabasca River.
Data source: Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Athabasca River Fish Inventory Pilot Study (2015) [Polyline]
The Athabasca River Fish Inventory Pilot Study was initiated in 2015 to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring fish populations of the Athabasca River using the provincial approach to sampling key sportfish species.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Athabasca River Fish Inventory Pilot Study (2015) [Point]
The Athabasca River Fish Inventory Pilot Study was initiated in 2015 to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring fish populations of the Athabasca River using the provincial approach to sampling key sportfish species.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Inventory Monitoring Locations (1987 to 2014) [Polyline]
The Fish Inventory component examines trends in abundance and population variables for key indicator fish species, including walleye, northern pike, longnose sucker, white sucker, lake whitefish, goldeye, and trout perch.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1987 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Inventory Monitoring Locations (1987 to 2014) [Point]
The Fish Inventory component examines trends in abundance and population variables for key indicator fish species, including walleye, northern pike, longnose sucker, white sucker, lake whitefish, goldeye, and trout perch.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1987 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Tissue Monitoring Location (1998 to 2014) [Polyline]
The Fish Tissue component quantifies and monitors chemicals in fish tissue to assess suitability for human consumption and to identify potential risk related to fish health.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1998 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Tissue Monitoring Location (1998 to 2014) [Point]
The Fish Tissue component quantifies and monitors chemicals in fish tissue to assess suitability for human consumption and to identify potential risk related to fish health.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1998 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Oil Sands Lease Boundaries - Active and Inactive Projects (2015) [Polygon]
The Oil Sands Lease Boundaries - Active and Inactive Projects (2015) consists of a) Active Projects as of 2015 (projects that have been approved, under construction, or operating), and b) Inactive Projects of 2015. Oil Sands Project Lease Boundaries are derived from Alberta Energy Oil Sands Lease Agreements and maps from the Oilsands Review's Canadian Oilsands Navigator (January 2016).
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan; data derived from Alberta Energy's Oil Sands Lease Agreements and the Oilsands Review's Canadian Oilsands Navigator (January 2016).
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:20,000
Data Download: SHP |
Oil Sands Lease - Projects with Formal Applications (2015) [Point]
The Oil Sands Lease - Projects with Formal Applications (2015) consists of projects with formal applications. Locations are derived from Alberta Energy Athabasca Oil Sands Projects and Upgraders dataset (September 2015) plus maps from the Oilsands Review's Canadian Oilsands Navigator (January 2016).
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan; data derived from Alberta Energy Athabasca Oil Sands Projects and Upgraders dataset (September 2015) and maps from the Oilsands Review's Canadian Oilsands Navigator (January 2016).
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:20,000
Data Download: SHP |
Sediment Quality Monitoring Locations (1997 to 2015) [Point]
The Sediment Quality component monitors sediment quality, as it can influence the quality of overlying waters and provides a link between physical and chemical habitat conditions and the benthic invertebrate communities.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2015) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1997 to 2013)
Data last updated: May 31, 2016
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Watershed Boundaries (2015) [Polygon]
The 2015 Watershed Boundary is derived using data provided by the Alberta Hydrologically Corrected Watershed and Base Feature Datasets.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan; data derived from the Alberta government.
Data last updated: Jun 21, 2016
Scale: 1:50,000
Data Download: SHP |
Climate Monitoring Locations (1997 to 2017) [Point]
The Climate component monitors the influence of precipitation and air temperature on the hydrology of aquatic systems in the Athabasca oil sands region.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2017) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1997 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Data Sonde Monitoring Locations (2015 to 2017) [Point]
The Data Sonde component continuously monitors the in situ water quality of major rivers in the Athabasca oil sands region to assist in characterizing habitat quality for fish and invertebrates.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2015 to 2017)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Community (Fish Assemblage) Monitoring Locations (2009 to 2016) [Polyline]
The Fish Community (Fish Assemblage) component focuses on characterizing fish assemblages on the basis of total abundance, taxonomic richness, diversity, and an assemblage tolerance index, in areas downstream of development relative to fish assemblages upstream of development.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2016) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (2009 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Fish Community (Fish Assemblage) Monitoring Locations (2009 to 2016) [Point]
The Fish Community (Fish Assemblage) component focuses on characterizing fish assemblages on the basis of total abundance, taxonomic richness, diversity, and an assemblage tolerance index, in areas downstream of development relative to fish assemblages upstream of development.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2016) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (2009 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Hydrometric Monitoring Locations (1997 to 2017) [Point]
The Hydrometric component monitors human and natural factors that affect water levels, quantity of water, and rates of water movement in aquatic systems in the Athabasca oil sands region.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2017) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1997 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Snowcourse Monitoring Locations (1997 to 2017) [Point]
The Snowcourse component surveys provide an indication of the variation in snow accumulation on various types of terrain in the region.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2017) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1997 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Water Quality Monitoring Locations (1997 to 2017) [Point]
The Water Quality component monitors the natural water chemistry of the Athabasca oil sands region to identify potential impacts on water quality that may result from development.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2017) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1997 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Wild Fish Health (Sentinel Species) Monitoring Locations (1999 to 2016) [Polyline]
The Wild Fish Health (Sentinel Species) component evaluates the changes that occur in young-of-the-year fish of a specific species (the sentinel species) between seasons.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2016) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1999 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |
Wild Fish Health (Sentinel Species) Monitoring Locations (1999 to 2016) [Point]
The Wild Fish Health (Sentinel Species) component evaluates the changes that occur in young-of-the-year fish of a specific species (the sentinel species) between seasons.
Data source: Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (2014 to 2016) and Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (1999 to 2013)
Data last updated: Jun 20, 2017
Scale: 1:10,000
Data Download: SHP |