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Request Data

Before submitting any request for data or research assistance please note:

  • All of RAMP’s current data is publicly-available here on the RAMP website. Please review that data before submitting any data request.
  • RAMP’s monitoring program for each year is set by the spring of the preceding year, therefore, requests for assistance must fall within the schedule of RAMP sampling programs. Our organization’s ability to accommodate additional research requests is extremely limited due to resource restraints. As well, RAMP seeks to protect the aquatic environment by ensuring that the volume of testing it undertakes does not place an undue burden on that environment.
  • RAMP views this as a collaborative process and RAMP would like to receive data/results/findings from any supplemental research provided that would be useful in the interpretation of RAMP’s monitoring results.

Use the form below to submit your request for data or research support. Your request will be reviewed and a response provided. Requests will be reviewed on a quarterly basis, so please ensure you leave sufficient time for this review to occur.

Only requests received using the form below will be considered by RAMP.


Detail the information and/or support you would like from RAMP, including details of how any research support you’re requesting would support RAMP’s objectives and programs, and your willingness to share your data/results/findings:


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